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See the bigger picture

We want to help you be your best as a technologist and a leader.

What We Do

Managing Digital™ helps IT leaders and technology leadership teams (present and future) learn to be the best versions of themselves.

We offer training in Enterprise Architecture, IT transformation leadership, IT financial management, and enterprise solutions roadmapping. 

We offer advisory services for IT leaders, focused on lessons learned in the most valuable and risky transformation endeavors.

Leadership and Inspiration

Principal Consultant and founder Dan Warfield is an experienced IT strategy, innovation and governance leader. He has held leadership roles in Walmart, Lincoln Financial, IBM, DXC, FIS, CC&C Solutions and others. Dan is co-author of IT4IT 3, chairs the TOGAF Certification Standing Committee, and is co-chair of the IT4IT Core team of The Open Group. Dan is based in London.

Advisory Council member Mark Bodman is Senior Product Manager for CSDM & CMDB at ServiceNow. Mark is also a co-author of IT4IT 3. Dan and Mark are collaborators on new work in the area of Digital Product Portfolio Management that will be published soon. Mark previously held leadership roles at Troux and HP.

Advisory Council member Mike Fulton is CIO at Vernovis, an adjunct professor at The Ohio State University, and has been in senior roles at Nationwide Insurance (US), Expedient, and Proctor & Gamble. He is an experienced enterprise architect and an expert on cloud and security architecture.

Why We Fight For You

Architecture, Design, Strategy and Governance are things that matter - not just in the enterprise, but in the world. Good planning and design bring delight to all. 

We want to help technology leaders to do good by doing well. Successful technology initiatives drive strong engagement, financial results, credibility, and stakeholder trust. 

Bad design drives results ranging from inefficiency to disaster.

We have seen train wrecks as well as triumphs at close range. We have the experience and expertise to help you keep the train on the tracks!

Our Origin Story: The disappearing $100 million

by Dan Warfield
Principal and Founder

Over the course of a single year, about $100 million was poured into a new IT system meant to transform the business. It certainly did, but not in the way we expected. The ensuing disaster became my guiding light in subsequent senior technology leadership roles. 

The development team worked in secret, 1,500 miles away. According to them, old ways would contaminate the new ways if we knew too much about what they were doing. We were told to wait for the Big Reveal, a meeting where all would be made clear. 

When that curtain finally came back, what did we see?

Rocket goes up and then quickly down

As the demo proceeded, questions were asked about mundane issues such as transactions per second.

It soon became obvious that the software was totally unusable: an inept, poorly planned catastrophe, the triumph of a charlatan.

When the project was abandoned, 13,000 jobs vanished as the company was forced to reorganize.

These human consequences of bad planning, bad design, selfish short-termism, pointless secrecy and poor governance have stayed with me, and guide my work to this day. If you think what happens in IT doesn't really matter in the real world, you're mistaken. It is worth getting help to make sure the rocket actually flies.

Why do people decide to do things badly, when they could just as easily do things well? We can help you see things more clearly and still come out on top.

Competent technology leadership builds organizations and enriches lives. This mattered then and matters today, especially in the big organizations that keep the wheels turning for all of us.
